
Microneedling is a skincare procedure that uses a small roller with microneedles. The roller is rolled over the face, creating tiny holes, stimulating collagen production. This process can lead to glowing and youthful looking skin with a reduction in scars and fine lines and wrinkles.

Microneedling is a technique that helps induce the production of collagen, reducing the appearance of scars and wrinkles. We use a device that rolls tiny shallow needles along the surface of the face, creating small undetectable holes. These tiny cuts trigger the body to produce collagen, helping the skin appear plumper and younger.


You will meet with one of our licensed estheticians or practitioners to discuss whether microneedling may be a beneficial treatment for you. During your consultation, you can talk about your goals for treatment and ask any questions.


You may be a good candidate for microneedling if you have:

  • Good general health
  • Realistic expectations
  • Facial scars from burns or acne
  • Wrinkles
  • Loose skin
  • Large pores
  • Hyperpigmentation

Preparation Before the Procedure

Please avoid retinoids and treatments for auto-immune diseases for 24 hours before treatment. Also avoid sun exposure for 24 hours prior to treatment. A numbing gel may be provided for application prior to treatment. We also recommend that you arrive with a makeup-free face.


One of our licensed estheticians or practitioners will apply an anesthetic cream to the face to make the process more comfortable. They may also apply a light layer of water to allow the dermaroller to glide smoothly on the skin. Then the licensed esthetician or practitioner will roll the microneedling roller over your face in different directions, creating tiny holes in the skin. This process usually takes less than thirty minutes.


Your skin may appear a bit red after treatment, similar to a sunburn. This will decrease in a day or two and your skin will appear normal again.


You may notice immediate improvement, but the full results will gradually become apparent, as it takes weeks for collagen production to pick up. Microneedling usually requires between three to six treatments for optimal results. The number of treatments is determined by the initial severity of scarring and wrinkles. 

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