Inverted Nipples

Inverted nipples are often a common problem found in women and to a lesser degree in men. Nipple inversion can be caused by many factors, but is usually due to shortened breast ducts, which do not grow and stretch at the same rate as the breast. This results in an inverted appearance of the nipple. Treatment is simple and safe. Correction can be performed under local anesthesia often in less than 15 minutes. Patients report minimal to no discomfort following this procedure.

Inverted Nipples

Inverted nipples are a harmless condition, but can cause embarrassment. This is especially true when only one nipple is inverted. It may also make breastfeeding more difficult. Luckily, the surgery to correct inverted nipples is a rather quick and easy procedure. It is usually done in office under straight local anesthesia.


Dr. Oser's cosmetic consultation is an important step in the process of considering aesthetic surgery. Dr. Oser and his staff are committed to helping you become well informed about the actual process of preparing for inverted nipple surgery.

You will meet with Dr. Oser to discuss the surgery and to determine whether you would be a good candidate. Dr. Oser will examine you and ask you questions about your health history. Rarely, an inverted nipple may be a sign of breast cancer, so we ask that you be examined by your physician before undergoing surgery.

Other services may be recommended in combination with this procedure to ensure that you have an optimal surgical result.

Preparation Before Your Procedure

Three weeks prior to and three weeks after your surgery, try to limit your alcohol and tobacco intake. Two weeks prior to and two weeks after your surgery, do not take medication that may thin your blood such as aspirin or ibuprofen products.

The Day of Your Procedure 

Please refrain from wearing makeup, contact lenses, hairpins, jewelry, body lotion or perfume. Wear comfortable clothing. If you develop a cold, sore throat, fever or any symptoms of illness before your surgery, notify the office.

Please prepare to have a responsible adult available to provide transportation after your procedure and have arrangements made for any necessary assistance you may require for the following 24 hours. If you are a minor, a parent or guardian must accompany you.


The procedure for correcting inverted nipples has improved dramatically in recent years. Dr. Oser will make an incision in the areola and place several dissolvable sutures in the nipple to hold it in position so that it doesn’t retract during healing. Protective shields are also placed over the nipples to hold them in position.


Because inverted nipple surgery is a rather minor surgery, the recovery is usually easy. You may experience mild pain after surgery, and most patients are back to work after one or two days.


The results of inverted nipple surgery are permanent. Most patients experience more body confidence and greater satisfaction with their intimate relationships.

Before & After

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