Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)

Gynecomastia (male breast enlargement) is the presence of enlarged breast tissue in men, usually caused by an imbalance of hormones. Gynecomastia surgery can help reduce the male breast or sagging tissue caused by major weight loss. This condition can be devastating to a man’s self-confidence. Many men that suffer from gynecomastia are constantly trying to hide their breasts, causing their social and romantic lives to suffer.

In other cases, such as post-bariatric patients, who have gone through a significant weight loss or professional body-builders who have gained significant muscle mass, this procedure returns the breast to a size proportional to the body, resulting in a more pleasing, natural shape.


Dr. Oser will make an incision under your breasts or around the areola (the dark skin around the nipple). Liposuction is usually the treatment of choice to remove the excess localized fat deposits. Persistent excess glandular tissue, fat and skin can be surgically removed from around the areola and from the bottom and sides of the breasts to create a new, smaller breast contour if liposuction is not indicated. Swelling and bruising are normal and will subside over the next few weeks. You will need to wear an elastic bandage or pressure garment as your breasts heal. Scarring is usually minimal and will fade with time. You should avoid direct sun exposure for six months.

Other services may be recommended in combination with this procedure to ensure that you have an optimal surgical result.


You will meet with Dr. Oser to discuss the surgery, as well as its risks and benefits. Dr. Oser will perform a full examination and make recommendations for treatment. Please take this opportunity to ask any questions or discuss any concerns.

Preparation Before Your Procedure

Three weeks prior to and three weeks after your surgery, try to limit your alcohol and tobacco intake. Two weeks prior to and two weeks after your surgery, do not take medication that may thin your blood such as aspirin or ibuprofen products.

The Day of Your Procedure 

Please refrain from wearing contact lenses, hairpins, jewelry, body lotion or perfume. Wear comfortable clothing. If you develop a cold, sore throat, fever or any symptoms of illness before your surgery, notify the office.

Please prepare to have a responsible adult available to provide transportation after your procedure and have arrangements made for any necessary assistance you may require for the following 24 hours. If you are a minor, a parent or guardian must accompany you.


The surgical treatment for gynecomastia depends on the severity of the condition and the desires of the individual patient. One option for surgery is tissue excision, or the removal of the breast gland tissue and/or surrounding skin. This surgery may be done endoscopically, or with an incision. This method is preferred in advanced cases, with more significant sagging. Some patients opt for liposuction, which is a procedure that uses a small cannula to remove breast fat. Sometimes, both of these procedures may be combined.


The recovery from liposuction is not usually very painful. You may need to wear compression garments for several weeks to reduce swelling and support the tissues. Avoid vigorous exercise for three weeks. Most men are able to return to work within several days of surgery.

The recovery time from surgery with tissue excision may be a bit longer. It is common to experience soreness and some swelling. Most patients can return to work after one week and resume exercise after two weeks.       


Patients usually are very happy with the results of surgery and enjoy a firmer, more masculine figure. Men who have undergone the surgery report feeling more confident in all aspects of their lives.

Before & After

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