Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

Due to several factors–such as pregnancy, time and weight fluctuations–breasts naturally begin to lose firmness and shape. A breast lift can restore your breasts to a firm, youthful appearance, making you feel younger, more attractive and more like yourself. New, minimally invasive techniques have made this operation more popular than ever before. Dr. Oser may recommend additional services such as breast augmentation to help you achieve your desired result.

Breast Lift

Different changes in the life of a woman can cause her breasts to lose volume and elasticity. Breast sagging (ptosis) can be a result of pregnancy, nursing, weight loss, hormones and aging. A breast lift is a surgery that can lift and reshape the breasts to give them a naturally youthful and rejuvenated appearance.


Dr. Oser's cosmetic consultation is an important step in the process of considering aesthetic surgery. Dr. Oser and his staff are committed to helping you become well informed about the actual process of preparing for a breast lift.

Dr. Oser will meet with you and help you determine whether a breast lift would be the right procedure for you. Candidates for breast lift surgery should meet some or all of the following conditions:

  • Have sagging breasts that have lost volume
  • Breasts are elongated or pendulous
  • Nipples that point downward
  • Enlarged and stretched areolas
  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • In good physical health
  • Are at a stable body weight
  • Non-smoker
  • Are done having children, as subsequent pregnancies may affect the results of the surgery

Other services may be recommended in combination with this procedure to ensure that you have an optimal surgical result.

Preparation Before Your Procedure

Three weeks prior to and three weeks after your surgery, try to limit your alcohol and tobacco intake. Two weeks prior to and two weeks after your surgery, do not take medication that may thin your blood such as aspirin or ibuprofen products.

The Day of Your Procedure 

Please refrain from wearing makeup, contact lenses, hairpins, jewelry, body lotion or perfume. Wear comfortable clothing. If you develop a cold, sore throat, fever or any symptoms of illness before your surgery, notify the office.

Please prepare to have a responsible adult available to provide transportation after your procedure and have arrangements made for any necessary assistance you may require for the following 24 hours. If you are a minor, a parent or guardian must accompany you.


Dr. Oser will determine which type of breast lift surgery would be ideal for you. The surgery will be an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. Your surgery may use any of the following techniques:

Crescent Lift: Also known as partial mastopexy, this technique is for more mild cases that only need a subtle lift. A crescent shaped piece of tissue is removed above the areola and then skin is resutured to lift the breast to a higher position.

Benelli Lift: The Benelli lift (sometimes called a doughnut lift) is a great option for women who have mild sagging. The procedure doesn’t physically lift the breast, but gives them a fuller and perkier appearance. The incision is done completely around the areolas, reducing the appearance of scars. 

Lollipop Lift: Also called a vertical breast lift, this technique is for moderate to advanced ptosis. The incision circles the areola and extends down vertically to the breast crease. The lollipop lift offers more dramatic results but without the horizontal incision involved in the anchor incision.

Anchor Incision: In cases of significant breast sagging and downward pointing nipples, an anchor incision may be the most effective option. Anchor incision mastopexy can actually lift the position of the breasts, correcting most amounts of sagging, as well as decrease the size of the areola and tighten the skin. This type of surgery requires an anchor-shaped incision that goes around the areola, down vertically and across the breast crease. It is the most effective option but results in more scarring.


After your breast lift surgery, it is common to experience swelling, bruising, redness and soreness for several weeks. A soft and supportive bra should be worn for several weeks to help the breasts heal comfortably. Dr. Oser will tell you how long you need to wait before returning to work and physical activities. In most cases, you will need to wait several weeks before returning to strenuous exercises.


Most women are very satisfied with the results of breast lift surgery. Though it may take several weeks of swelling and bruising until you see the final results of the procedure, the wait will be worth it. Most women experience perkier and more youthful breast shape as well as a newfound sense of confidence. The surgery can correct many of the unfortunate effects of pregnancy, weight loss and aging, returning the breasts to a higher and more flattering position. Dr. Oser recommends that his patients keep their weight stable in order to prevent additional sagging in the future.

Before & After

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